• USD 211 Norton OFFICE



    About Us

    USD 211 includes Eisenhower Elementary, Norton Junior High and Norton Community High School.


    Crossing Guards
    Category: Miscellaneous
    USD 211 is accepting applications for Cross Guards for the 2023-2024 school year. Contact the Unified Office at 105 E Waverly or call (785) 877-3386.
    Phone:(785) 877-3386
    Para Professionals
    Category: Education
    USD 211 Norton Community Schools is accepting applications for Para Professionals at Norton Community High School, Norton Junior High School and Eisenhower Elementary School for the 2021-2022 school year. Contact the Unified Office at (785) 877-3386 or stop by 105 E Waverly for an application.
    Phone:(785) 877-3386
    Bus Drivers
    Category: Driver
    USD 211 is looking for bus drivers (a 9-month position with a single health plan included) and substitute drivers to drive daily routes before and after school. USD 211 will pay for all testing necessary to be able to become licensed.  For more information contact Jim Jackson at 785-871-1319. Applications are available at the Unified Office, 105 E Waverly. USD 211 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
    Phone:(785) 877-3386
    Category: Food Industry and Restaurants
    USD 211 is taking applications for 2 cooks. Duties: prepare and serve school meals in the school. Applications may be found on the school website, www.USD211.org, completed and returned to the Unified Office at 105 E Waverly in Norton. USD 211 is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
    Phone:(785) 877-3386
    Category: Facilities, Maintenance, and Repair
    USD 211 is looking for a full time custodian at Norton Community High School, Norton Junior High School and Eisenhower Elementary School for the 2021-2022 school year. Contact the Unified Office at (785) 877-3386 or stop by 105 E Waverly for an application.
    Phone:(785) 877-3386
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